Download PDF: Mufti Waqaruddin RA’s lecture on Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah in 1992

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الحمد للہ رب العلمین والصلوۃ والسلام علی سید المرسلین و علی اٰلہ و صحبہ اجمعین

اما بعد

فاعوذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم

انما یخشی اللہ من عبادہ العلماء

صدق اللہ مولانا العلی العظیم و صدق رسولہ النبی الکریم

Let me begin by introducing myself that I started teaching from the year 1938 and was appointed as a teacher in the Madrasah of Mufti Azam Hind Qiblah (may Allah be pleased with him) and in this year 1992, it has been 54 years since then.  I have been a teacher in Bareily Shareef for 10 years till 1948 and then I had to leave.  I had undertaken the duties of teaching straight after graduation in Bareily Shareef.  The first books I taught were the books like Mishkaat and Hidaayah etc.  I had not taught any other books of lower grades prior to this.  Except that I may have taught someone those books privately.  I was chosen for a very high academic position in the very beginning of my career.  The certificates that were issued to me by Huzoor Mufti Azam Qiblah (may Allah be pleased with him), one of them had these words written:

جَعَلْتُہُ نَائِبَ صَدْرَ الْمُدَرِّسِیْنَ وَ ھُوَ مُسْتَحِقٌّ لِلصَّدَارۃِ

I have appointed him as the vice head of teachers though he is capable of becoming the head of teachers itself.

I still have the certificate he issued to me at that time.  I had already become the disciple of Hazrat Hujjatul Islam (may Allah be pleased with him) in 1928 when he had relocated to Pilibheet and I took his Bay’ah there.  I had the privilege of living in their proximity in Bareily Shareef and I have examined their lifestyles very closely, and that is the reason that I can relate to you all of this.  I still have my students towards the end of Bengal.  There must have been thousands of students who studied by me from Kashmir to many other places.  It was a great blessing of Allah that He had blessed me with the divine opportunity to serve the Deen but I would like to say that in my years long observation of Sunniyat in Bareily Shareef but the state of Sunniyat was never as oppressed as it is now.  Whatever the Sunniyat is undergoing now, it has never suffered so severely before.  It grieve over it to a great extent.  I will leave the matter that who are culprits by whose hands the Sunniyat has suffered but first get the real picture of the mission of AlaHazrat (may Allah be pleased with him).  Every action, word and attribute of his only bears the testimony that he would never compromise over the dignity and Honour of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.  To preserve the Honour and love of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace blessings upon him – in the heart of a Muslim is the very foundation of Imaan.  This was his only mission at large.  Not only was it his mission but in reality, it was also the mission of the Sahaba Kiraam (may Allah be pleased with them.  In the Hadeeth of Bukhari, Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) states that a Sahabi came and asked:

مَتَی السَّاعَۃُ یَا رَسُوْلَ اللّٰہِ

When will the Qiyamah take place, O the Messenger of Allah?

The beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – replied:

وَیْلَکَ! مَا اَعْدَدْتَ لَھَا

Leave that, tell me what have you prepared for it?

He replied:

مَا اَعْدَدْتُ لَھَا

I have not prepared for it.

These were the words in Bukhari but the wordings of Tirmidhi are:

مَا اَعْدَدْتُ لَھَا مِنْ کَثْرَۃِ صَلَاۃٍ وَلَا صَوْمٍ

i.e. Neither I have a large number of fasts nor Salah.

It is obvious that being a Sahabi it is not expected of him to be negligent of Fard Salah.  So it means that neither he had a large number of Nafl worship.  So what did he have?

He said:

غَیْرَ اَنِّیْ اُحِبُّ اللّٰہَ وَرَسُوْلَہٗ

(The only thing I do have is) that I undoubtedly love Allah and His Rasool.

What did the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – say to him after that?


فَاَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ اَحْبَبْتَ

Then you will be with the one you love (in the hereafter).

It means that if one loves RasoolAllah – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – he will be with him on the day of judgment.

Hazrat Anas – may Allah be pleased with him – says:

مَا رَاَیْنَا فَرِحَ اَصْحَابَ رَسُوْلَ اللّٰہِ ﷺبَعْدَ الْاِسْلَام ِ فَرَحَھُمْ بِھٰذَا

We had never seen the Sahaba this happy after embracing Islam.

They were never so happy compared to the time when they heard that they will get the company of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – with the love they have for him.  They always preserved the love and Honour of the beloved in the heart.

They considered the hatred of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – in this manner:

It was the battle of Badr.  Every Muslim knows the enmity of Abu Jahl and how severe he was in his disbelief.  Two young children asked the soldiers to point at Abu jahl among the enemies.  One asked, “What will you do by knowing about Abu jahl?”  They replied, “We heard that he swears the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – so we are going to kill him.”

Abu jahl was a polytheist, and on top of that, such a severe Mushrik that he had kept hundreds of idols in the Holy Ka’bah.  The greatest of his was that he committed shirk with Allah and worshipped other than Allah.  Despite all of this, they did not say that they wanted to kill him because he was a Mushrik but their reason for being committed to his murder was only that he swears the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him!

This should suffice to say that in the eyes of a Muslim, the greatest crime and sin is attribute anything bad to the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.  It is for this reason that they said, “We heard that he swears the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – so we are going to kill him.”

So the truth of the matter is that for as long as the honour of beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – is in the heart of a Muslim, he will be ever ready to sacrifice his all in the name of his honour, leaving no chance for anyone to point a finger at his dignity.

The British knew this, that a Muslim will sacrifice himself on the honour of his Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.  Even an utter jaahil, who knows nothing but if he sees anyone insulting the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – he will go and kill that person with no questions asked without caring for any consequences, even if it involves the security of his children and family.  A believer is always committed to the loyalty towards the honour of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.  The British had understood this well, and appointed a group at the task of decreasing the honour of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – from people’s heart.  When they began decreasing it, they brought it down to the level that his honour should be limited to the honour of a village’s head or a landlord, and he is nothing more than the head person of his nation.  See this in Taqwiyatul Imaan, you may go and look, it is still sold to this day and age.

When they brought down his honour to this level then no Muslim will stand for this kind of attitude, and when these words were observed by AlaHazrat – may Allah be pleased with him – he refuted him on this basis.  It should not be said that AlaHazrat started it but it had been refuted way before AlaHazrat did.

The Taqwiyatul Imaan whose refutation I am discussing, it was refuted in Bengal for the first time.  Its refutation was properly penned down and printed and distributed in Bengal.  Allamah Fazle Haq Khairabadi – may Allah be pleased with him – wrote the refutation of Ismail Dehlwi’s book “Imkaan al-Nazeer” in his time.  It left the doors of such possibilities that there can be other people like the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.  This was main focus of his book.  Maulana Fazle Haq saheb wrote “Imtena’ al-Nazeer” in its refutation, proving that it is impossible for anyone to be like him.  He even refuted any theoretical or rational possibilities of anyone coming close to his likelihood.  It has been continuing and raging ever since.  I was reading in yesterday’s newspaper an Article by Mufti Na’eem who fancies such nonsensical trash nowadays that, the most prominent people of the fight of freedom against the British and the greatest opponent of the British were the elders of deoband; such as Qasim Nanotwi, Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi etc…

The truth is that they never ever opposed the British!  They rather opposed Ahle Sunnat.  They have only fought with Muslims and never with the British.

As far as the stories behind Ismail Dehlawi’s expedition against the Sikhs is concerned, and when he went to Calcutta to recruit members for his army he was preparing against the Sikhs, during his sermon someone interrupted and asked him, why don’t you prepare an army against the British, they are greatest enemies.  He replied to the people and everyone bore testimony to his statement that, “The British government is very merciful, therefore we will not fight with them but rather fight with those who oppose them.”  This how loyal they are to the British!  This shape-shifting and altering their history with the British makes no sense whatsoever.

Coming back to the point that the greatest attack on Sunniyat in present time is not one-sided but it is coming from all directions.  Those who were the enemies of ours, enemies of AlaHazrat, enemies of Allah and His Rasool, whose main mission was to eradicate the love of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – from the hearts of the Muslim.  They how started conspiring against the Sunnies by imitating as being Sunni.  They are now calling themselves names; such as, Sawaade Ahle Sunnat (The Sunni Group), Jamaate Ahle Sunnat (The Sunni Council) etc. and doing the exact same thing that will destroy Sunniyat.  The masses are left totally unaware of the fact that they are not even Sunni themselves to begin with.  Apart from this, there are those Sunnies who have turned their backs on Maslake AlaHazrat but to fill their stomach, they are only eating in the name of AlaHazrat.  They are still collecting funds for the Madrasahs they opened in the name of AlaHazrat but in reality they are far away from Maslake AlaHazrat.  They have made it their mission to share friendly relationships with all and sundry.  They entertain all, where it is a Qadri or padri, it’s the same thing whether you call him tahirul qadri or padri.  They all are holding hands!  He has issues an open statement where he has declared that, “In today’s day and age, the one who considers the shias as kaafirs is as much of akaafir as the one who calls the bareilwis as kaafir.”  So to him, shias and bareilwis are alike.  This is his mazhab!  They all are holding hands and still continue to call themselves Sunnies and operate their institutions as Sunni institutions.  The most severe conspiracy that was published just yesterday that the Jamiat is the united platform comprising and representing all the Ulama of Ahle Sunnat.  Which means that a ghair muqallid is a Sunni, the Deobandi is a sunni, and well, we were already sunni.  Tell me if this is not an injustice to Sunniyat then what is!!!

Sunniyat is being slaughtered in this way and it’s a conspiracy to wipe out Maslake AlaHazrat.  What I would like to say is that you all are Bareilwi in the sense of your Silsilah connecting to Bareily Shareef; by the link of Hazrat Hujjatul Islam, Mufti Azam and others from their Khulafa, therefore it is solely your responsibility to give it your all to protect and preserve Maslake AlaHazrat Maslake Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat.  This is the only way to protect the Sunniyat otherwise the enemies are after totally uprooting the Sunniyat once and for all.  What surprises me that the Ulama who stand on the stage, give dynamic lectures on Sunniyat but still maintain their membership of such institutions (Jamiat etc.).  If this is not alarming then what is!!!

What was the Maslak of AlaHazrat – may Allah be pleased with him?  When everyone was falling for Gandhi and blind following him, Nadwa came into existence, where it was institutionalized that reading Kalimah is sufficient to be a Muslim; they included all, even the shia and even Qadiyanis, the shias are still here but at that time, even the qadyanis were a part of it, and then who was it who single handedly cracked down all these fitnahs, it was none other than the personality of AlaHazrat.  When anyone said anything, AlaHazrat’s only answer was that Haq will prevail and remain unchanged, and I will only speak the Haqq!  He was alone and then the lovers followed but its interesting to see that the victory fell in AlaHazrat’s lap and Sunniyat was dominant.  It is the duty of you all to take a pledge in order to take the Sunniyat forward and protect it, that we will only supported those Ulama of Ahle Sunnat who are steadfast on Maslake AlaHazrat.  We will only and only support those Ulama and listen to them.  If we notice in their practices that they mix with the wahabies then we will boycott them, then only they will learn.